Ginger Gold


Origin Discovered in Livingston, Virginia, USA by Clyde H. Harvey.
Parentage Unknown. Developed as a chance seedling in a Winesap orchard.
Availability Late August through November.
Source Limited availability from some nurseries.
Quality Ginger Gold is a crisp, juicy, early maturing apple. Flavour is mild and sweet. Flesh texture is quite fine.

Size Medium to large.
Surface Smooth; somewhat conical.
Ground Colour Greenish-yellow.
Over Colour 10-25% pinkinsh-red blush.
Flesh Colour White.
Harvest Season A limited number of crops have been harvested in Nova Scotia, but it appears that harvest will begin approximately the last week in August. Fruit does not drop readily. The harvest can be delayed until majority of fruit develops desired blush or it can be harvested several times to ensure optimum quality.
Storage Storage life appears to be good for an early apple. Little work done yet in Nova Scotia, but fruit from trial plantings has maintained good pressure and quality until mid-November in cold storage. Fruit from 1999 harvest was stored in Controlled Atmosphere until March and had pressure at 15-16 lbs when removed. Fruit quality was also good at that point.
Strains None known to date.

Vigour Vigourous.
Habit Spreading growth habit; somewhat similar to Cortland.
Precocity Moderately precocious.
Fruit Placement Heavy, regular production at fruit spurs.
Bloom Period Mid-season; before McIntosh.
Pollination Pollinated by most other varieties blooming at the same time.
Crop Appears to be a productive annual cropper.
Synchrony Seems that it can be treated as a one-pick apple; optimum appearance will be achieved by multiple picking as fruit develops attractive pink-red blush.
Adaptation Ginger Gold has only been grown in Nova Scotia since 1996 and has yet shown no particular problem with respect to our climate.
Rootstock At this point, Ginger Gold has only been grown in Nova Scotia on M26 rootstock so its adaptability to other rootstock is unknown.

Ginger Gold is a relatively new variety out of Virginia and has been tested in Growers' Testing Association plots since 1996. To this point it has fared quite well, though has not yet been harvested in large quantities. Very preliminary observations show that it holds up well in Controlled Atmosphere storage.

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